Amsterdam 17 May 2024 – Highlighted as solution to housing crisis during Day of Project Development (DVDP) workshop.

Edvard van Luijn, Commercial Director at Rockfield Real Estate, recently led a workshop and panel discussion at DVDP, focusing on the housing concept of FRIENDS apartments. In collaboration with partners AM, Woonzorg Nederland and Gemeente Amsterdam, the event shed light on solutions to tackle the housing crisis.
Rockfield’s vision of the FRIENDS housing concept
Rockfield’s latest market research presents compelling data on young people’s preferences regarding cohabitation. Here are some of the remarkable insights.
FRIENDS apartments are in high demand. A significant 59% of young people said they were interested in renting a FRIENDS apartment. In large cities such as those in the G5, 60% of people aged 25-35 live alone, with this figure rising to 70-80%. The need for suitable housing solutions is clear.
Our research, conducted through our rental platform, which surveyed more than 10,000 potential tenants, shows that 90% of respondents are open to sharing apartments. 82% of respondents would rent a FRIENDS apartment because of cost-sharing. In this way, we can effectively address part of the housing shortage.
More findings from the FRIENDS market research by

60% say they would like to live with a close friend.

30% of those surveyed indicated a preference for finding a roommate through a matching programme.
About 60% say they consider the social aspect in FRIENDS important in their decision to live within the FRIENDS concept.
50 per cent of respondents gave separate bathrooms as their reason for renting the FRIENDS apartment.

Furthermore, the survey shows that communal facilities are highly appreciated. Shared laundry room, gym and a balcony or terrace score highest here.
Working together for a future where appropriate housing is within reach
Rockfield Real Estate often promotes this innovative housing solution to stakeholders. The benefits extend not only to young people but also to the elderly, offering a range of advantages that address financial and social needs as well as the shortage of building space.
Edvard van Luijn: ‘Together, we are working towards a future where affordable and suitable housing is within everyone’s reach. The FRIENDS flat concept not only provides a solution to the housing shortage, but also promotes a sense of community and communal living.’
Current assets with the FRIENDS housing concept
The market research underlines the urgent need for innovative housing solutions such as FRIENDS apartments. By facilitating and encouraging such concepts, cities can significantly mitigate the housing crisis and improve living conditions for diverse populations.
Amsterdam was the first city where we introduced the FRIENDS concept, Almere the last. It turned out to be a growing trend where at least 2 friends form 1 household. The layout of the FRIENDS apartments combined with all the amenities of The Cohesion makes this a perfect living situation for the target group.
The FRIENDS concept is within The Cohesion. A residential community. Within The Cohesion, tenants live in modern buildings equipped with communal spaces, events and a community manager. The Cohesion is located in Amsterdam, Almere, Rotterdam and bustling Eindhoven. With a total of more than 255 FRIENDS apartments throughout the Netherlands.